How to Run

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    Please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, have neutral feelings, disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements:

    All of Pennsylvania’s children deserve access to a quality and equitable public education that is adequately funded, as guaranteed by the state Constitution.

    The unique mission and purpose of government is to promote the public interest and help create a high quality of life and community well-being.

    Sexual orientation, gender recognition and expression must be recognized as inherent to identity. Individuals who identify as members of LGBTQ communities have the right to visibility and inclusion; to work, worship, and reside peacefully, and to legally form family unions.

    Access to adequate education should be made available to Pennsylvania students across all spectrums of physical, sensory, cognitive and emotional abilities, disabilities, and impairments.

    I adhere to the principles of inclusiveness. I value working with diverse communities, across race, economic class, sexual orientation, and gender identities.

    Book and resource banning is a threat to public education and is rooted in white supremacy. Students should have access to diverse, age appropriate, books that promote equity and inclusion.